The Suffolk County Radio Club (SCRC) operates 4 repeaters located in Yaphank, Long Island, NY. Our Repeater Committee is charged with the control, operation and maintenance of our repeater systems
The W2DQ repeater systems are open for the use by any licensed amateur radio operator regardless of club affiliation. Please operate our repeaters in accordance with FCC and SCRC regulations.
- Primary 2 Meter Repeater: 145.210 MHz – CTCSS (PL tone) 136.5 Hz, negative (-) offset
- Backup 2 Meter Repeater: 145.210 MHz – CTCSS (PL tone) 110.9 Hz
- 1.25 Meter Repeater: 224.680 MHz – CTCSS (PL tone) 103.5 Hz
- 70 CM Repeater: 446.625 MHz – CTCSS (PL tone) 110.9 Hz
Repeater Malfunction Protocol:
In the event of a malfunction with any of the repeaters or nodes, please contact the Control Operator immediately. If you are not sure who to contact, use the Contact Form to send us an email! Do not assume that someone else has already notified us. We would rather have multiple notifications than none at all. The designated simplex frequency may be used in the event of a repeater outage.
Simplex Frequency: 146.550 MHz