SCRC Offers Monthly License Exams
Why not get into a hobby that offers so much. Meet new friends, talk with other Ham Radio operators all over the World or help your community with communications during emergencies.
Amateur Radio has the potential to offer something for everybody. Whether your passion is making new friends, talking to people around the World or helping with emergency communications, members of The Suffolk County Radio Club can help get you get your FCC license.
Volunteer Examiners are designated by the FCC to administer the exams in your community.
Find a Volunteer Examiner Session your area.
SCRC offers Volunteer Examiner Sessions:
VE Sessions are held at 7 PM on the FIRST Thursday of each month at the:
Longwood Youth / LYSA Sports Complex
210 Meadows Blvd E
Yaphank, NY 11980-9999
Please contact our team to confirm your attendance or to get additional assistance.
Prior to arriving for your exam, please have $15 in EXACT CASH.
Checks ARE NOT accepted and change is NOT available.