All I could say is we had a Great time last night building our Fox Hunt antennas, everybody there could tell you the same thing. It was a lot of fun, we had a lot of laughs, but all in all we built our Fox hunt antennas and they work great, SWR’s are low and…
Field Day, 2018
Just wanted to thank all the members who came to our Field Day to help with setup and the turn out that we had. We made a load of contacts and had a great time doing so. Food was good and the weather did cooperate with us. The general consensus is can’t wait for the…
Valentine’s Day Party, 2018
Winter Field Day, 2018
International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend – ILLW
International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend – ILLW 3rd Full Weekend in August since 1998 00.01UTC 19 August to 2400UTC 20 August 2017 (48 hours) In Britain the Association of Lighthouse Keepers, ALK, conducts International Lighthouse Heritage Weekend on the 3rd full weekend in August. Their objective is to encourage Lighthouse managers, keepers and owners to open…
W4DXCC Event
September 22nd and 23rd, 2017, Pigeon Forge, TN Hello Friends and Club Officials Its July 2017 with 67 days until the W4DXCC DX and Contest Convention it time to attend. I ask your help in spreading the word this year by forwarding this and subsequent announcements about the W4DXCC convention, thank you in advance. The 2017…
Brookhaven National Laboratory Amateur Radio Club
The Brookhaven National Laboratory Amateur Radio Club is hosting a special event to celebrate the Lab’s 70th Anniversary. It is also the 100th Anniversary of Camp Upton Army camp, the property on which BNL resides. The BNLARC will operate beginning this Sunday, July 16, 2017 and continue through Saturday, July 22, 2017. A schedule of operating times…
13 Colonies Special Event
13 Colonies Special Event This Years Event Dates / July 1 (9AM EST) to July 6th (Midnight EST) (July 1, 2017-1300 UTC to July 7, 2017-0400 UTC) 13 Colonies is an annual Special Event held during the 4th Of July Week. Those who participate try to make contact(s) with all 13 Colony Stations, and the 2…
Field Day 2017 Photos
Field Day 2017 Photos are posted to the Photos page
6-20-17 SCRC Monthly Meeting
Tonight was the last general club meeting before the summer break. 5 members attended at Richie’s, KD2NJA, location, Art W2ALW, Vince KC2WPP, Steve W2SFC, Richie KD2NJA and Gary N2TBC. It was a fun meeting. Thanks to Richie and his wife for hosting the meeting and providing too much food and beverage. Have a safe and…