At the January meeting the board convened at 7pm and many items were discussed including fund raising ideas for 2020. Most of the fund raisers in 2019 were led by a small core of members – getting more members involved in these efforts is key to meet our goals for this year, the largest of…
Happy New Year!
Congratulations to the new Slate of Officers: President Richie Geraci KD2NJA Vice President Ed Wilson N2XDD Secretary Vince Cigna KC2WPP Treasurer Guy Langeliotti K2HOT and the 2020 Board of Directors: Bob Ciappa WB2NFL Bob Goldstein N2OCH Ken Spiegel KD2DZZ Bill Lunt KD2COL Steve Casko W2SFC What a good way to start the New Year. There…
Allstar build update
There have been several Allstar project build meetings over the past month at the home of Pres, W2PW where members gathered to modify radios, construct cables, and program their raspberry pi to create functioning Allstar nodes. For the most part the project has been a success and a lot of fun. The meetings are continuing…
Playing with SSTV
After last night’s weekly Wednesday night net a couple members met up on our 70cm repeater to test out sending and receiving some SSTV images. This was inspired by listening to the W3HZU Keystone VHF Club net over echolink who held an SSTV net Tuesday night at 8pm. What is SSTV?SSTV is an acronym for…
Allstar node build project meeting
It was a very good meeting last night! We had 17 members present and all the members are excited about the Allstar build that we will be doing in the coming weeks with Pres, W2PW. We went over the materials list and discussed the various options. Special thanks to Charlie, K2ATF for donating 2 signs…
J-Pole webinar with Dr. Ed Fong
At our last meeting on 9/17/19, we enjoyed a webinar about J pole antennas given by Dr. Ed Fong, WB6IQN, a long time ham and professor at UC Santa Cruz- Silicon Valley. You can find out more information about Dr. Fong or purchase his antennas on his website. It was interesting to learn about the…
Compass course completed!
Bruce, WB2ADF, presented a compass training course Sunday 9/15 at Southaven Park. It was very informative, and Bruce made it more interesting by employing many different techniques to present the material. Members in attendance all had a good time with a great teacher! Thank you Bruce!
September Breakfast 9/1/19
The Sunday breakfast was enjoyed by all, What a great time we had at the breakfast. Radio and non-radio conversations where flying all around the tables.
W2PW returns to talk AllStar
I would like to thank Pres Waterman, W2PW, local AllStar expert for coming to the meeting last night 8/20. He spoke enthusiastically about Allstar and the many ways we can use it to improve our Ham Radio experience. We had 19 members present and many questions were asked about the system of nodes and reflectors…
Sunday Breakfast 8/4/19
The Sunday Breakfast was enjoyed by all, it was a great time, the Breakfasts are the first Sunday of the month at the California Diner in Patchogue, NY at 9:30am – all are welcome. We had a great time this morning. The conversations went from one side of the spectrum to the other. Hope more…