Have you been looking for somewhere to take the amateur radio test? We have a “VE” (Volunteer Examiner) Session scheduled for the 25th of March at the United Church of Christ 335, Horseblock Road, Farmingville, NY 11738. Tests begin at 7pm. Bob N2OCH is the main point of contact. There is a limit of 20 people…
SCRC 2021 Election Slate
What follows is the current slate of officers and directors which will be voted on at our December monthly meeting. Anyone wishing to become an officer or director of the Suffolk County Radio Club please get in touch with Ken KD2DZZ or Richie KD2NJA to be placed on the ballot before the election! President Richie…
SCRC Oct Meeting – Trailer
The October meeting was held at the United Church of Christ 335 Horseblock rd. Farmingville on Oct 20, 2020. The Board meeting started at 7pm and the General meeting followed at 8pm. As usual, the meeting was open to the public but food and drink were not provided and all attendees were required to bring…
SCRC July meeting – Fldigi
The SCRC meeting was held on Tue, July 21, 2020 at the United Church of Christ at 335 Horseblock Rd. Farmingville, NY. Social distancing and masks were required and the meeting was available over zoom for those who were not able to attend physically. A quick board meeting was held starting at 7pm followed by…
SCRC Field Day, 2020
A very different kind of field day this year, but still a lot of fun!
First SCRC Health net held
Ed, N2XDD, was net control for our first Health Net on Sunday, March 15 at 8pm on our club’s VHF 145.210 MHz repeater. The net is modeled after a similar Health and Welfare net taking place each weeknight at 7pm on the BNL repeater UHF 442.400 MHz and some members of SCRC are participating in…
VE Session cancelled
The VE Session previously scheduled for Thursday March 26th at 8pm has been cancelled. Fingers crossed we can hold an April session for you!
March, 2020 meeting cancelled
To All Suffolk County Radio Club Members: Do to the virus epidemic we will be canceling the March 17th meeting. Notification from local and Government organizations are against most social gatherings, and the ARRL has also confirm this. Remember to stay away from crowds and keep washing your hands! Members can expect email updates as…
Jim Mezey, W2KFV stops by our meeting
It was a good meeting last night 2/18/20, Jim Mezey, W2KFV from the ARRL dropped by and spoke on many subjects including changes in the ARRL to better serve the Ham community, changes to ARES, and a new magazine that is available. Jim expressed a desire to attend our meetings on a more regular basis.
Winter Field Day, 2020
Our Winter Field Day was a great time had by all! Total Score: 1820 pts; Number of Contacts: 51; 3 countries outside U.S.(Canada, Italy, France); 3 contacts to California and 1 to Oregon. It was a nice day and a lot of fun.