8am on Saturday June 8th, 2024 members of the Suffolk County Radio Club arrived at the Harbor Front Park in Port Jefferson for Maker Faire Long Island. This was the first year since the original Maker Faire LI, back in 2015, that SCRC was in attendance. The club booth was located directly next to the…
May 2024 SCRC Maker Night
On the evening of Friday May 31st, 2024 members of the Suffolk County Radio Club gathered at the Clubhouse for a Maker Night. The project for the evening was a small soldering project, a FM radio receiver. The kit came complete with a pcb, through hole components, a smd ic, headphones and even zipties and…
“The Magic Band” presentation by Ken Neubeck
After the Suffolk County Radio Club May meeting the membership was delighted to host Ken Neubeck, WB2AMU, for a presentation on 6 meters, a.k.a. The Magic Band. The topic was covered with a PowerPoint slideshow along with some audio clips and recordings of 6 meter activity, contacts and Sporadic-E noise. Tropospheric ducting, Sporadic-E bounce and…
K3FBI/2F Fire Island Lighthouse Special Event
All past and present LEO members of the Suffolk County Radio Club were invited to operate the Special Event Call Sign K3FBI/2F at the Fire Island Lighthouse for National Police Week. Lou, NO2C and Salli, K2RYD, of the Great South Bay Amateur Radio Club, activated the Fire Island Lighthouse for National Police Week utilizing the…
SCRC Pota Activation
On Monday May 6th, 2024 a few members of the Suffolk County Radio Club ventured out in an attempt to activate a state park. Ed, N2XDD, John, N3JWM, and Brian, NG2S, gathered at Brookhaven State Park, US-2019, for the event. Gary, KE2YK, VP of the Peconic Amateur Radio Club stopped by to attend and lend…
SCRC at Masticon
On Saturday May 4,2024 Suffolk County Radio Club was invited by the Shirley Mastic Moriches Library to take part in Masticon. This years celebration coincided with Star Wars Day (May the 4th), There was plenty of Jedis and Siths running around but that did not ruin the great time had by members manning the table….
Upcoming Meeting Announcement
This months meeting will be a week early due to Memorial Day. We will be Meeting on May 20, 2024 at 7:00pm. at the Longwood Youth Sports Association building in Yaphank . This months guest speaker will be Ken Neubeck , WB2AMU. His presentation will be about 6 meters, AKA the Magic Band. Ken has…
Special Attendance at the April meeting
The Suffolk County Radio Club was once again honored to be in attendance with Elaine Thompson, daughter of Frank John Ryder, the original W2DQ! Unfortunately most memorabilia from the time when Frank lived in Brooklyn had been lost in a fire. However Elaine was gracious enough to bring copies of 2 photographs that survived the…
Winlink at the April 22nd meeting
Presented by Richard J Martino Jr. KB2SNE Richard is retired U.S. Air Force who worked on fixed satellite communications systems as both an operator and maintainer. He belongs to his local CAP: Civil Air Patrol Chapter NY-251 assigned to Long Island Group HQ as a Communications Engineer. He has resumed his USAF retirement rank…
Breakfast Meetup April 14,2024
Our Club has restarted an old tradition, monthly breakfast meetups. We met at the McDonalds in Farmingville , ten club members in total attended. We will switch locations each month and perhaps alternate between Saturday and Sundays. The next date will be announced soon, try and attend and maybe bring a friend that is interested…