Limarc will be having a hamfest at Briarcliff College Stewart Ave in Bethpage Doors open at 9am Talk in 146.850 pl 136.5 LIMARC.ORG
New SCRC Web Site Design
We will be moving the SCRC web site to a new host. Please use the contact form if you have any questions or comments on the new site. You can continue to use the normal URL for our site: You will be automatically redirected to the new host. 73
Marcus WA2DCI’s Commercial Radio Facts
From the Desk of Joe AC2ND Last night I attended the Suffolk County Amateur Radio Club meeting. The guest speaker was the Chief Engineer for WALK, 97.5. He gave a presentation on AM and FM broadcast radios. Here are some interesting facts: WA2DCI 1) The FM HD broadcast sub signal from WALK uses 200 watts. …