On a brisk Saturday morning under the cover of cloudy skies 6 members of the Brookhaven ARES group gathered for the pre-event briefing in the Smith Point Park parking lot. It was the morning of the 2024 Smith Point Bridge 5k for Literacy on September 07, 2024. Assignments were disseminated, the event route and protocols were reviewed. Radio operators Joe, KC2BZB and Brian, NG2S were assigned as Net Control and backup Net Control respectively. Origen, KD2MRN was assigned to Post 1, Erik, KD2HCU, Post 2, Joel, KC2GRN, Post 3 and John J, W2GDW, Post 4. At 0830 the briefing was concluded and all personnel responded to their respective posts.
At 0845 all posts checked into the net and confirmed they were in position. Communications flowed smoothly. The event was well run and organized. There was a rumored report of a runner down on the Smith Point Bridge. The event organizer tasked the ARES group to confirm the report. We were able to confirm the report was false. Subsequently there was a runner down at the traffic circle. Post 3 reported in and the info was relayed to the event organizers. Post 4 reported a sippy cup was found by some attendees and John took possession until it could be brought to the lost and found. 1st and last runner messages dribbled in as the runners passed each Post. Net Control handled all traffic efficiently with Joe handling the radio and Brian logging.
The morning concluded at approx. 1030 hours with Net Control advising all stations they could secure. A quick debrief took place at the mustering up location.
The event organizers were thrilled with the Brookhaven ARES group support and the members had a fun quick morning event to practice message handling and radio etiquette.

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