All past and present LEO members of the Suffolk County Radio Club were invited to operate the Special Event Call Sign K3FBI/2F at the Fire Island Lighthouse for National Police Week.
Lou, NO2C and Salli, K2RYD, of the Great South Bay Amateur Radio Club, activated the Fire Island Lighthouse for National Police Week utilizing the special event call sign K3FBI/2F for the week of 5/13/23. Ed, N2XDD and Brian, NG2S both participated on 5/13/23 and successfully operated as K3FBI/2F making contacts. Mike, KC2SYF and Drew, N2AKJ also attended and operated as K3FBI/2F.
Anyone that was lucky enough to make a contact with us during the terrible band conditions was in for a treat. See, the Fire Island Lighthouse is not just a lighthouse on an island. We collectively made more than 10 contacts, which means it was a successful POTA activation of Park US-0679. The lighthouse is also listed as: International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend US-0019, Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society USA-286, IOTA NA-026, US Island NY013S and USCG 1-695.
Thank you to Lou and Salli for having the initiative to do all the hard work, filing permits in advance, setup, operate and invite us to take part in such a honorable event. Without the dedicated people like Lou and Salli, May 13, 2024 would not have been as memorable and special day it was for a couple lucky members of the Suffolk County Radio Club.

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Very cool! Looks like a good time.